When Things Get Personal…

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

So I was reading John 8, and as I came to verse 14, God got my attention as a phrase just popped off the page to me!  Check it out…

Jesus answered “…my testimony is valid, 
for I know where I came from
and where I am going.”  
~~John 8:14a~~

“I know where I came from and where I am going.”  I love LOVE LOVE this phrase.  Even though people may look at me in a critical and judgmental way, I refuse to be intimidated and silenced — I am a follower of Jesus—I know where I came from—I know where I am going. 

I realize that I am stretching the meaning of this text a bit, but bear with me here.  This is where the Spirit of God made things realllll personal for me.

The backstory is that Jesus was in the temple courts talking to the Jewish people.  The Jewish leaders had just tried to trap Jesus by getting Him to condemn a woman caught in adultery.  When all the Jewish leaders had tucked tail and left, Jesus uttered this statement to the people — “my testimony is valid, for I know where I came from and where I am going.”

Jesus knew who He was.  He didn’t need the approval of the leaders or of the people.  (That was quite the ouch to this recovering “people pleaser”.)  I am so moved and convicted by the confidence that Jesus had.  He KNEW He was sent by the Father.  He KNEW He would be returning to the Father.  And you know what?!!  As a follower of Jesus, I know the same thing! 

I have been chosen by God to be His.  I have been commissioned, while here on earth, to love God and to love people —to reflect His glory and testify of His love and goodness to all people with whom I have contact. “I know where I came from”, and I will serve my God while here on earth.  And when I die, I know “where I am going!”  I will be with my Father for all of eternity (which my mind can’t even comprehend.) 

So what is my take-away from this?  The Spirit is challenging me to become increasingly like Jesus.  Even if no one believes my testimony—even if I am mocked by those who hear my testimony—even if no one listens to my testimony—even if I am persecuted because of my testimony—I will continue to share my testimony because I know where I came from and I know where I am going!!! 

Thank you Spirit of God for shining a light on this phrase for me.  I thank You for the encouragement that I too can be bold because I “know where I came from and where I am going”.  God please help me to keep my eyes on who I am in You so I will be bold—so I will speak with a confidence that is totally rooted in YOU alone!!

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