Where’s the “but”? (Revelation 2:8-11)

KarenDevotionals, Revelation6 Comments

I am currently doing a devotional reading plan through YouVersion that is teaching about the Seven Churches in Revelation.  In order for the title to make sense, I’ll fill you in on what I studied yesterday when Jesus was speaking to the church at Ephesus.  He listed their good deeds, followed by a “but”.  

I read Revelation 2:8-11 this morning, which is what Jesus had to say to the church at Smyrna.  Culturally, Smyrna was a wealthy city whose major export was myrrh.  It was from that export that the city acquired its name.  It’s worth noting that, while myrrh was valuable in trade, it was a bitter herb.   

Times were harsh for the believing Jews living in Smyrna because the unconverted Jews had teamed up with the Romans to persecute believers who were sharing the Gospel. Jesus stated that He saw the hard times they were experiencing, as well as the hard times that were to come for them. Yet Jesus referred to them as rich, despite the tribulation they were enduring, the poverty they were experiencing (in a very affluent city), and the slander being spread about them.  Instead of a “but”. Jesus offered encouragement — be faithful until death, because a crown awaits the faithful.

There is so much wise counsel in Jesus’ encouragement to the suffering believers in Smyrna.  Stay faithful, a crown awaits!!  Getting through the hard times of life requires a forward-looking focus.  Jesus not only offered this wise counsel, He modeled it!  

“Looking ONLY at Jesus, the originator and perfecter of the faith, 
who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, 
and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”  
~~Hebrews 12:2~~

Looking ONLY at Jesus…not my circumstances. Jesus was able to endure the physical and emotional torture of the cross by focusing on what was to come and not on His present circumstances.  

I hope you found encouragement by this today like I did.  God made this passage ever so personal for me.  Right now is so temporary, and an eternity in heaven is a’comin’!!!!

6 Comments on “Where’s the “but”? (Revelation 2:8-11)”

  1. Heaven is closer every day!!!
    There is nothing on this Earth that can hold me down when the Trumpet Sounds!!!

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