Where’s Your Joy Now?

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

In a reading plan I’m currently doing with my niece, I’ve been reading through the Letters of Paul.  Today I was to read Galatians 4.  After I initially read that chapter in the NASB, l was prompted by the Spirit to read it again in The International Children’s Bible.  As I read, God used this version to really shine a light on “joy” for me.  

Paul wrote the letter to the Galatians addressing the changes that had taken place among them since he had been with them in person.  You see, Satan had placed people in their midst that were spreading a false gospel.  They were being told that in order to be accepted by God, these people needed to have faith in Jesus, and keep certain rules of Judaism.

Paul reminisced about how happy these folks had been when he was with them, when they first believed the gospel he preached and placed their faith in Jesus.  In verse fifteen, Paul wrote, “You were very happy then. Where is that joy now?” (ICB)

You were very happy then. Where is that joy now?

Reading that caused me to reminisce about how I felt when God brought my spirit to life. The morning after God brought me to saving faith, the colors outside seemed more vibrant. The bird’s songs were suddenly so sweet and so loud. There was a bounce in my step that hadn’t been there before.  My sins were covered.  I was a new creation!!  I felt JOY!

Many years have passed since that day, and honestly, I have experienced an ebb and flow of joy in my life over the years.  When my focus has shifted away from God and settled on my circumstances, it has made me feel some sort of way and “joy” isn’t how I would describe it. 

This is such a great reminder that I must stay keenly aware that there is an enemy of my soul who is out to steal, kill, and destroy.  

Psalm 4:7 says, You have put joy in my heart… So think this through with me.  We know that God put joy in our hearts, so if we are not experiencing that joy, then we have allowed feelings and thoughts into our hearts and minds that have crowded out the joy that God has placed there.  That’s sobering, isn’t it?

“We demolish arguments and every pretension
that sets itself up against the knowledge of God,
and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
~~2 Corinthians 10:5~~

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