Wrestling in Prayer

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

So I was finishing my study of Colossians this morning and just wow – God had a lot to say. The Spirit urged me to not just skim over the “final greetings” part where Paul mentioned some particular people. So this morning I dissected Colossians 4:12.

“Epaphras, who is one of you and 
a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. 
He is always wrestling in prayer for you, 
that you may stand firm in all the will of God, 
mature and fully assured.”

First off, Epaphras’ name means “lovely” and from what Paul wrote about him, I’d say he lived up to his name.  Check it out!

Paul wrote that Epaphras was “always wrestling in prayer” for the church at Colossae.  The word “wrestling” <agonizomai> means to endeavor with strenuous zeal – to strive to obtain something.  I don’t know about you, but I can’t say that I often wrestle in prayer about anything; and then add the word “always” to that…color me convicted.  

So we now know “how” Epaphras prayed, but Paul also clued us in to “what” he prayed to God for on their behalf.  

Remember that when we study the Word of God, our goal is to “learn it to live it”.  
So as we study through what Epaphras wrestled in prayer for, bear in mind that
this is something we need to put into practice for our brothers and sisters in the Lord.

Epaphras was always wrestling in prayer that the church of Colossae would “stand firm in the will of God” <histemi>.  What does that mean exactly?  Epaphras was praying that they would stand and continue safe, sound and unharmed – that they would be of a steadfast mind, the quality of which doesn’t hesitate or waver.  

Why would Epaphras wrestle in prayer for that?  Because in Colossae at that time, there had begun to be doctrinal problems in the church.  There was a corruption of Christianity with elements of mystical and legalistic Judaism, perhaps combined with early Gnosticism.  More specifically, the heresy taking root in Colossae taught (among other things) that humans could transcend evil and the corruptions of the world through asceticism and their own strength of will. Gnostics believed that they could essentially ignore the world and follow their own desires and impulses. Paul wrote the book of Colossians to that church to warn them away from error and reiterate the importance of the Christian ethic; and Epaphras was wrestling in prayer that these believers at Colossae would their faith wouldn’t be weakened by the culture and that they would stand firm in what they had been taught.   

PAUSE TO PONDER how vital it is for us to wrestle in prayer for our brothers and sisters in Christ for this same thing.  We are living in a day and age where so many churches are more interested in being culturally relevant than in teaching God’s truth despite the pressures of the culture.  There can’t be a little bit of the worldly culture mixed in with our faith in Christ.  We must pray for one another to stand firm against the watering down of our faith and the mixing in of a little bit of worldliness so as to be “tolerant”.     

We also learn from this verse that there are two results in standing firm in the will of God.  

Result #1– Maturity <teleios> – wanting nothing necessary for completeness as respects having understanding (inward) and goodness (outward).  So stand, complete in godly thought and deed.  When we stand firm in what God’s Word teaches, we gain more and more understanding of His will and His way (inward), and we then go and live it out (outward)  Hmmmm…that sounds a lot like “learning it to live it” –wink..

Result #2 – Full assurance <plerophoreo>.  This Greek word comes from the root words <pleres> which means, covered in every part (it’s used of the soul being thoroughly permeated – inward); and <phoreo> which means to bear constantly (it’s used of clothing or armor – outward)  

PAUSE TO PONDER that!!!  What does that make you think of?!  “Put on the full armor of God!” (Ephesians 6:13).  So “fully assured” means to be fully convinced or persuaded, assured.  The Spirit said to look up “assured” in the dictionary.  So I did (haha). Webster said “assured” means, confident, protected against discontinuance or change. And BAM! “Stand your ground!!”  STAND FIRM in the will of God!

“Therefore, put on the full armor of God, 
so that when the day of evil comes,
 you may be able to stand your ground, 
and after you have done everything, to STAND.” 
~~Ephesians 6:13 ~~

.As I continued to read on, God stopped me again at Colossians 4:16.  “After this letter has been read to you, see that it is also read in the church of the Laodeceans…  In Revelation 3:14-22, the Spirit addressed the church at Laodicea, and here’s what He said of them.

    • They are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, and that makes God sick to his stomach to the point of throwing up
    • They were self-sufficient, not living with the realization of their need of God
    • They were depending on their wealth, and not on God
    • God saw them as wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked

The Spirit urged them to seek:

    • Spiritual riches from God
    • Cleansing from God and to be clothed with Christ
    • A change in perspective and to view things from a spiritual perspective.

APPLY IT.  Here are a few questions for self-examination.  Remember, we aren’t just reading the Bible.  We are learning it to live it.  

    • How many of the church of Laodecea’s characteristics are evident in my own life? 
    • Am I truly praying effectively for my brothers and sisters in the Lord? 
    • Is my heart and mind fully permeated by the Spirit of God? 
    • Am I suited up and standing firm in how I know God wants me to live? 

I promise to wrestle in prayer for you.  Will you do the same for me?  I hope your answer is “yes!”  We are in this together.  

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