Psalm 32:8-9

KarenDevotionals, PsalmsLeave a Comment

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go;
I will advise you with My eye upon you
Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding
Whose trappings include bit and bridle to hold them in check, 
Otherwise they will not come near to you.”
~~Psalm 32:8-9~~

In my initial reading of these verses, what popped out to me were the “I will” statements of God.  

I will instruct you.  The Hebrew word for instruct is <sâkal>, and it means to make circumspect and hence, intelligent.  Notice that it says, “to make”, denoting that “circumspect” doesn’t come naturally.  God has to make us that way.  The dictionary defines circumspect as being careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences. It’s impossible for us to see all the ins and outs of a situation, but God will <sâkal>.  Proverbs 3:5-6, though a familiar verse, still holds immense wisdom.  “Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.” When we acknowledge that God is omniscient, knowing everything a situation holds, humbly allow Him to <sâkal>, and He can make my path’s straight.  Put simply, when I quit trying to figure things out on my own, it’s then that God will instruct  me.  

I will teach you.  The Hebrew word for teach is <yârâh>, and it has different aspects.  One is “to flow as water”.  Pause to ponder that!  God has given us the Holy Spirit to “teach us all things and to remind us of all that (Jesus) has taught” (John 14:25-26), and Jesus promised that whoever believes in Him, “out of his heart will flow rivers of living water”, (John 7:38-39).   This word was often used figuratively to mean, to point out by aiming the finger.  Can’t you picture God sitting at the table beside you, and you’re not “picking up what He’s laying down”, so He uses His finger to point out what He wants to teach you.  That’s <yârâh>.  

I will advise you with My eye upon you.   The Hebrew word for guide is <yâʻats> and it means, to advise or council.  What is impacting me in this particular “I will” is not the “what”, but the “how”.  When my daughter was little, all I had to do when she was misbehaving in public was give her the “look” and she straightened up, most times, haha. She knew her behavior was unacceptable with just a look — I “advised” her with my eye. But in order for that to be effective, I had to have previously had a relationship with her where I was teaching her right from wrong. Only then would “the look” be effective. 

In verse 8, we learn that God will instruct, teach, and advise us.  But the fact that He felt the need to add verse 9 is very telling.  God definitely “calls ‘em like He sees ‘em”.  He couldn’t be any plainer.  “Don’t be like the ass that needs a bit and bridle to get you to go where I want you to go.”  And notice that the “where” God wants us to go is “near” Him.  

“Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil,
And he will flee from you.
Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.”
~~James 4:7-8a~~

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